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Testing the Reliability of Anchoring Susceptibility Scores
The importance of context in the effect of emotion on conspiracy theories’ endorsement: The case of the 2019 Hong Kong protests
Who cares if not supposed to? Moral foundations, consideration of immediate consequences, and mask-wearing intentions after revocation of the legal obligation to do so
Feeling Threatened by the War in Ukraine: A Study in Italy on Identification, Entitativity and Attitudes Toward the EU
Memory and False Memory for Information That is Either Expected or Unexpected Based on Age Stereotypes
Exploring basic psychological need satisfaction and relationship quality as protective factors of mental well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic
Voters’ Attributions of Psychopathic Traits to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton after the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election and the 2020 Trump Impeachment
The Influence of Increased Attentional Demands on Multitasking and Implicit Learning