Forthcoming Articles

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  • The importance of context in the effect of emotion on conspiracy theories’ endorsement: The case of the 2019 Hong Kong protests
    Cyrus Lap Kwan Leung, Kin Kit Li
  • The Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire (HCTQ): The development of a questionnaire to assess different patterns of helping by clicking
  • Sexual Attraction, Quality of Life and The Mediating Role of Body Dissatisfaction
    Liam Cahill, Joost M Leunissen, Mike Marriott, Andrew K Dunn
  • Social acceptance and social status of adolescents with high scores in dark triad personality traits
    Zsolt Péter Szabó, Natália Zsuzsanna Orosz, Réka Gulyás, András Láng
  • Sociodemographic variables and psychological distress of Moroccan college students
    Ben Ayad Hatim
  • Relation- and Task-oriented Roles as Antecedents of Ethical Leadership: Examining Synergistic Effects
    H M Rahaman
  • Growth mindset is associated with mastery goals in adulthood
    Lea Combette, Jean-Yves Rotgé, Liane Schmidt
  • Influence of Vigilance Performance on Lifeguard Gaze Behaviour
    Benjamin Sharpe, Jenny Smith
  • Academic achievement in university students: The role of perfectionism and academic hardiness
    Iwanna Sepiadou
  • Use it or Lose it: Facilitating the Use of Interactive Data Apps in Psychological Research Data Sharing
    Franziska Usée, Christiane A. Melzig, Dirk Ostwald