Publication Process

Publication Guidelines 

Europe’s Journal of Psychology is published four times a year (February, May, August and November). Articles can be submitted at any time and the review process (double-blind peer review) lasts on average 3 months.

Papers will be evaluated by the Editorial Board in terms of scientific merit, readability, and interest to a general readership.

Articles should be written in proficient English (UK or US spelling) and they are expected to be logical, well-organized, and concise. If English is not your native language, please consider using the services of an editor.

Please note that there is no author fee for papers published in Europe’s Journal of Psychology.

As an open access journal free of charge for authors and readers EJOP doesn’t have funds for extensive copy editing. All submitted papers have to comply with the PsychOpen Style Guide. It is important that authors follow these guidelines closely. Submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to authors. Publication of manuscripts is contingent on thorough proofreading and adherence to the stylistic guidelines by the author(s).

Note that submissions are subject to plagiarism screening. Please also see PsychOpen's Guidelines on Publication Ethics.

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