Submission Preparation Checklist
- As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
Original work: The submission has not been previously published, nor is it currently submitted to another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in “Comments to the Editor”). Prior to acceptance and publication, authors may make their submissions available as preprints on personal or public websites (see Preprint Policy). Note: This journal uses Similarity Check, a plagiarism screening service, to screen submitted content for originality (read more).
Acknowledging and citing previous work: Previous or concurrent publications of the author(s) based on the same or closely related research are properly acknowledged and cited. It is made clear in the manuscript in which way(s) it represents a novel contribution to warrant consideration for publication. Note: Replications of previous work are explicitly welcomed if identified as such.
Authorship: All authors of the submitted manuscript are named in the submission/cover letter (and additionally will be named in Step 3 of the submission process). All authors of the submitted manuscript are aware of and approve its submission to the journal. Contributions that fall short of authorship are mentioned in the Acknowledgments section of the submission/cover letter. (For criteria of authorship see the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, Standard 8.12, Publication Credit, of the American Psychological Association (APA). Responsibility for authorship decisions lies entirely with the authors.)
Consent for data storage: All authors of the submitted manuscript consent to the storage of their personal data transferred in conjunction with the submission and in accordance with the Journal's Privacy Statement.
Ethical standards: In the case of empirical research: The study received appropriate ethical review and clearance, thus meeting all ethical standards for research.
Data anonymization (if applicable): All research data have been fully anonymized.
Use of copyrighted materials: No copyrighted material is used unless that material has also been made available under a CC-BY license.
Document file format: File formats of the manuscript are .doc or .docx.
Ensuring a blind review: all biographical details are removed from submission for peer review purposes in accordance with the instructions for Ensuring a Blind Review. Please submit the EJOP cover letter with biographical details as an additional file (category 'Other').
Anonymised submission includes:
- Running head: short title (one line), no more than 50 characters including spaces
- Title
- Abstract: no more than 250 words
- Keywords: 5-7 keywords or brief phrases separated by commas
- Main article body including tables and figures
- References: APA style (7th Edition)
- Appendices (if any): Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.
Separate Title Page which includes:
- The name(s) of the author(s)
- A concise and informative title
- The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s)
- The e-mail address, and telephone number(s) of the corresponding author
- If available, the 16-digit ORCID of the author(s)
and a Declaration Section that states:
- Conflict of Interest: The authors should declare all conflicts (financial or otherwise) of interest or indicate no interest.
- Ethics Statement: The authors should indicate the body which granted ethical approval to the study and the authorization number.
- Informed Consent: The authors should indicate how and if informed consent was obtained.
- Author Contributions: The authors should list the individual contributions based on the CRedit framework.
- Data Availability Statement: The authors should indicate if and where their data and analytical script are available.
- Acknowledgments: Please indicate and acknowledgments.
- Funding: Please indicate any funder that supported this study.
Data availability:
Upon submission of the manuscript: The data is freely available together with a data dictionary in an accessible repository such as the Open Science Framework or Zenodo.
Upon submission of the manuscript: The analysis script is fully available and reproducible in a repository such as the Open Science Framework or Zenodo.
Upon submission of the manuscript: The materials of the study such as surveys or experimental procedures are fully available in the same form on the Open Science Framework or Zenodo.
These pieces of information need to be directly accessible from the manuscript (via for example an anonymized link to an Open Science Framework Repository). If there are any reasons why this material cannot be shared please get in contact with the editor. -
Headings: For all headings in text the heading level (hierarchical order) is unambiguously indicated by the respective heading style. All heading levels are used in order and without skipping a level (e.g. “Heading Level 3” is used only inside a “Heading Level 2” section).
Note: You may want to use MS Word styles to clearly distinguish between the different heading levels. -
Citations and references: Citations in text and the reference list conform to APA style (7th Edition).
Note: Particular care should be taken to ensure that references are accurate and complete. Authors bear responsibility for the accuracy of all references and quotations. References should be listed in alphabetical order. Each listed reference should be cited in text, and each text citation should be listed in the References. Basic formats are as follows:- Johnson-Laird, P. N., Girotto, V., & Legrenzi, P. (2004). Reasoning from inconsistency to consistency. Psychological Review, 111(3), 640-661.
- Thagard, P. (2000). Coherence in thought and action. MIT Press.
- Kenny, D. A., & Zautra, A. (2001). Trait-state models for longitudinal data. In L. M. Collins & A. G. Sayer (Eds.), New methods for the analysis of change: Decade of behavior (pp. 243-263). American Psychological Association.
Tables: Tables are inserted in-text in their normal position and not at the end of the document (unless they are considered as appendices). All tables are created as regular MS Word tables. Note: Each row in the table shall have its own row in the Word table layout (no hard returns) and each column shall have its own Word table column (no tabs or blanks to create columns).
Figures: For first-time submission you may either embed screen-optimized, low-resolution (< 150 dpi) versions of your figures into the main body of your article, or supply print-ready, high-resolution versions as separate image files (step 4 “Uploading Supplementary Files” of the 5-step submission process). Note: For accepted articles all figures must be supplied as separate, high-resolution files. See the Author Guidelines for further details on size and accepted formats.
Author Guidelines
Europe’s Journal of Psychology is published four times a year (February, May, August and November). Articles can be submitted at any time and the review process (double-blind peer review) lasts on average 3 months.
Publication lag: Please note that while we do our best to publish papers in a timely manner, we are working through a backlog of papers and the time between acceptance and publication in an issue might be 9 to 12 months. However, we are currently implementing an ‘early view’ option for accepted papers so we are committed to making accepted papers available earlier than the issue they are assigned to.
Europe’s Journal of Psychology considers for publication:
- original research reports
- registered reports
- replication studies
- theoretical contributions and practical tutorials.
Papers will be evaluated by the Editorial Board in terms of scientific merit, readability, and interest to a general readership.
Articles should be written in proficient English (UK or US spelling) and they are expected to be logical, well-organized, and concise. If English is not your native language, please consider using the services of an editor.
Articles should not exceed 6,500 words at the time of submission, including references, appendices, tables, and figures, with a maximum of six figures. The final version after review must not exceed 7,000 words. (Exceptions will only be granted in case of extraordinary manuscripts, e.g., featuring multiple studies. Please state in the cover letter why your article requires a higher word count.)
Please note that there is no author fee for papers published in Europe’s Journal of Psychology.
As an open access journal free of charge for authors and readers EJOP does not have funds for extensive copy editing. All submitted materials have to comply with the PsychOpen Style Guide. Submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to authors. It is important that authors follow these guidelines closely. Publication of manuscripts is contingent on thorough proofreading and adherence to the stylistic guidelines by the author(s).
Electronic supplements must be available via PsychArchives. For more details see Supplementary Material Guidelines.
Note that submissions are subject to plagiarism screening (read more). Please also see PsychOpen's Guidelines on Publication Ethics.
Copyright Notice
Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:
- Articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Under the CC BY license, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their article, but authors grant others permission to use the content of publications in whole or in part provided that the original work is properly cited. Users (redistributors) of the journal are required to cite the original source, including the author's names, the journal as the initial source of publication, year of publication, volume number and DOI (if available).
- Authors may publish the manuscript in any other journal or medium but any such subsequent publication must include a notice that the manuscript was initially published in this journal.
- Authors grant the journal the right of first publication. Although authors remain the copyright owner, they grant the journal the irrevocable, nonexclusive rights to publish, reproduce, publicly distribute and display, and transmit their article or portions thereof in any manner.