Role of the Fuzzy System in Psychological Research
Govind Singh Kushwaha
Pant University of Technology & Agriculture
Sanjay Kumar
Pant University of Technology & Agriculture
A new analytical method for psychological research is being proposed. The advantages of evaluation with fuzzy statistical analysis include: (i) The evaluation process becomes robust and consistent by reducing the degree of subjectivity of the evaluator; (ii) The self-potentiality is highlighted by indicating individual distinctions and (iii) It provides the evaluators with an encouraging, stimulating, self-reliant guide that emphasizes individual characteristics. The empirical results demonstrate that the new approach is efficient and more realistic than the traditional method. To demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the new method, the results are presented in comparison to those obtained with the help of the traditional method. Twelve subjects were involved in this study and Sinha’s Comprehensive Anxiety Test (SCAT) and Approval Motive Scale were employed. Fuzzy and traditional approaches are discussed in the end. Keywords: Fuzzy logic; Anxiety; Motivation; Defuzzification; Fuzzyfication of variables.