The word sincerity has profound connections with both religion and philosophy, in which we can find the very essence of its meaning. The need for sincerity is the need to find the truth in people, facts and the world in general. It is the desire for illumination, which motivates human existence on an intellectual and spiritual level; even though sometime such a need is revealed unconsciously or, perhaps, in a peculiar manner.Generally speaking we have access to world’s reality through our own limited senses. This reflection of the surrounding reality leads us only to obtain the observable facts, but it is not entirely sufficient for explaining why the world is seen this way and not another. This situation motivates us for the principle of causality. Finding the reasons for why the world exists the way that it does counts as the second and most important reflection of one’s image of the world. It would be a re-reflection, a process of question and conformation about what we know of the world.
Accordingly, human beings face inner tensions and conflicts that sometimes contradict the external world. They do so through manifestation of instincts, reflexes, needs, aspirations and self motivation. In such a context we find ourselves more often than desired, in the position where the so called “outside reality” is hard to accept. Now, because of the inner conflicts we face, the external reality is trimmed and adapted to our personal needs, according to our own beliefs and interests.
All these internal storms have an influence on the psychosocial behavior described, from a qualitative point of view, through – what I will call – sincerity behavior. The sincerity behavior should give an indication of how one relates with the world and how they cope with themselves.