Personality Traits And Feeling Of Loneliness In Unemployed Youths
Brijesh Kumar Upadhayay
Department of Psychology, Gurukul Kangari University, Hardwar, Uttranchal, India
C. P. Khokhar
Professor, Department of Psychology, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar, India
Unemployment has been a recurring social problem throughout the century and bringing a mental health problem. In addition to feelings of excitement and anticipation, there may also be the feelings of loneliness. Loneliness is an important personality variable. Aim of the present investigation is to know the effect of personality traits on the perception of perceived loneliness in unemployed youths. The sample consists of 200 subjects within the age group of 26-32 yrs of age drawn from district Haridwar, clear demarcations were observed in the groups of different levels of personality traits on perceived loneliness