Rasool Kord Noghabi
Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan Iran
Elzbieta Slawinski
University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Teacher’s talk is an expected and extensive routine of classroom life. Many aspects of Instructional clarity as a preparation to the lecture were addressed already by many authors (e.g., Gliessman, Pugh, Brown, Archer, and Snyder, 1989; Metclaf, 1992; Hiller, 1971; Rogien, 1995; Rosenshine and Furst, 1971). In spite instructional clarity having waned from research studies in recent years, it is still alive with respect to bilingual instructions and their outcomes. The work is going in the American and World Universities with respect to the training of bilingual’s teacher and it contact with students. Bilingualism can affect the instructor clarity, because knowledge of English among bilinguals is usually not the same as that of the monolingual (English) instructors (e.g, Best, McRoberts, and Goodal, 2001; Snow, 1993; Strange, Yamada, Kubo, Trent, and Niski, 2001).