Relationship between Scholastic Activities and Creativity Among Secondary School Students in the State of Kuwait
This study was conducted based on the desire of the Administration of Scholastic Activities in The State of Kuwait to evaluate the reality of the various fields of creative scholastic activities in the secondary school . The rationale underlying this study is that students’ mental maturity entails teachers with the same level of creativity and inclination to innovation in order to cope with the ever-occurring educational changes. This is important since some school administrations are still unconvinced with the educational and psychological significance of scholastic activities, and consequently they hinder the implementation of activity programs. Besides, some teachers and school activity supervisors are not specialists and funds for scholastic activities are sufficient.The aforementioned reasons constituted the desire of the Administration of Scholastic Activities in The State of Kuwait to improve the condition of creative school activities and eliminate whatever obstacles their effective application in schools. More specifically, the present study addressed the following question: “Do creative scholastic activities perform the desired educational role in the Kuwaiti secondary schools?” That is, the study sought to explore the reality of scholastic activities, and diagnose whatever obstacles their application and propose how to eliminate such obstacles, so activities can play their desired educational role.