Emotional Intelligence, Religiosity and Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Psychological Well-Being among Secondary School Adolescents in Ogbomoso, Nigeria
D. A. Adeyemo
Department of Guidance and Counselling
University of Ibadan, Ibadan
A. T. Adeleye
Department of Guidance and Counselling
University of Ibadan, Ibadan
The study investigated emotional intelligence, religiosity and self-efficacy as predictors of psychological well-being among secondary school adolescents. The study made use of stratified random sampling in selecting 292 adolescents from ten (10) secondary schools in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. The sample age ranged between 13 -20 years. Four instruments were used, namely: General Self-Efficacy Scale, Well-being Manifestation Measurement Scale; The Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS); and Religiosity Scale. Data analysis involved the use of multiple regression and Pearson Product Moment correlation. The results indicated that the three independent variables as a block were effective in predicting psychological well-being of adolescents. On the basis of the finding, it was suggested that teachers should endeavour to teach rudiments of emotional intelligence to the students while school counselors and psychologists should develop programmes to foster emotional intelligence and self-efficacy.