Workaholism types among Turkish physicians: Potential antecedents and consequences
Ronald J. Burke
York University, Toronto, Canada
Mustafa Koyuncu
Nevsehir University, Nevsehir, Turkey
Lisa Fiksenbaum
Dept. of Psychology, York University, Canada
This study examined potential antecedents and consequences of workaholism types among 431 male and female physicians in Turkey. Three workaholism types (Work Enthusiasts, Work Addicts, Enthusiastic Addicts) and one non-workaholic type (Unengaged workers) previously identified by Spence and Robbins (1992) were compared. Antecedents included personal and work situation characteristics and personality factors; consequences included work experiences, work outcomes and indicators of psychological well-being. Unengaged workers were significantly different from the three workaholism types reporting less positive work experiences, work outcomes and psychological well-being. There were fewer differences among the three workaholism types than have been reported in previous research, but when type differences were present, Work Addicts were disadvantaged, consistent with earlier work. These findings highlight a need to further study the work and health consequences of disengagement from work among professionals. Unengaged workers may be in greater distress than workers that are more heavily invested in their workplaces.